Hebrews 11:6

"...for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him." Hebrews 11:6



Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sam at 4 months....and Steven Edward at 22.5

I can't believe my boys are growing so quickly. Sam is the sweetest, smiley-ist baby! He is incredibly predictable and so much fun to be around. He coos a lot and is really laughing. He is also starting to take more interest in toys. He has started holding them in his hand and playing with them and very much enjoys his play-mat and exer-saucer. Even though I vowed differently, he has still taken the back seat when it comes to pictures. As a second child myself....I would be different. I would take just as many pictures of him as I did of Steven Edward. I would take many of him by himself. Yea...not so much. It is the thought that counts, right? Here is a video of him to make up for some of my inadequacies as a picture taker of my second. Sorry Sam.

Steven Edward is EXPLODING with words. He went from having very few to gaining a couple everyday. He now can say the names of all his friends and can point out the majority of things that are in books that we read regularly. It amazes me the things he knows and remembers. This morning his milk spilled and he looked at it and said, "bad cup." I have no idea where that came from. Their brains amaze me. He is also OBSESSED with Thomas the train. He wakes up in the morning saying it and goes to bed saying it. He runs around saying, Thomas, James, Gordon, Engine. Luckily for his obsession, he will acquire a train table for his birthday. I'm not sure if this will appease or enlarge the obsession. We will find out.

"I'm not sure about this Eli...."

Steven and his friend Eli....he calls him i-e

This morning we went to a coffee shop created for moms that has a play place for the kids. The kids have their own place and the moms have a separate place to sit and enjoy a coffee. But....as usual...somehow they all ended up spending at least half the time at our feet. Oh well. A good attempt to complete a sentence with an adult. Better luck next time.

Steven and Ana playing

Gabe with a pirate ship

Steven sat at this seat with this toy for at least 30 minutes. It was amazing. No ritalin for us.

Ryan learning about a magnadoodle.


The Cornwalls said...

i love to hear babies laugh!! so cute!
love you!

Anonymous said...

That was great! Can't believe that the boys are growing so fast. can't wait to see all of you on 3/25.


The Rejzer Family said...

There is just nothing better than hearing a little baby laugh . . . I could bottle it and keep it around my neck whenever I need sunshine! We need to get together!

Anonymous said...

Where is this coffee shop?