Today was the 100th day of school. This being our first year of school I had NO IDEA that this was a thing. I had seen it mentioned on a friend's blog, but had no idea that the entire elementary school world did this! We brought in 100 puzzle pieces, I was in charge of making the sweet for the 100 day party. Introducing...
...the very hungry centipede.
They also dressed up like "100 old" men or women. Daddy made a cane, momma went to the dollar store for the glasses, a friend found the pants at a consignment store, the white hair paint was left over from blue and white day, and the rest is history. Meet our old man.
Not sure where the image for an old man face came from, but here it is none the less (evidently he thinks all old men are remotely constipated). Let's see how long he makes it at school with a large wooden weapon! I will be volunteering at noon so I'll let you know. I'm looking forward to seeing what the other mother's came up with!