We went to our friend Isaac's 3rd Birthday at a park with a creek in Montreat.
Isaac in the creek, little Steven sitting beside the creek because it is so cold.
Jenny and Ryan, and little Steven partaking in his first real birthday with cake and juice etc.
We went to our friend Gabe's 3rd birthday the next day and go to smash a pinata!
Gabe about to blow out the candles. Steven Edward forgoing cake and eating pretzels. Carbs are always a winner.
Nana B-B and Uncle Thomas came to visit on the same weekend! Uncle Thomas and my husband had a grand time returning to their childhood by building LEGGO towers and making dams in a creek nearby, while my mother, Steven Edward and I just had a sweet time being together.
Nana making eating fun, Thomas and Steven building towers for little Steven to destroy...
Thomas getting a little excited about Leggos, and Nana pointing out an airplane.
Scary Uncle Thomas....hoodlum Uncle Thomas.
Daddy and Uncle Thomas built a play place for little Steven beside our shed with a sand box, a swing, and a play house. Here are some pictures of our good friends the Dellingers playing in Steven's new play place.
Avi, Steven and Isaac playing in the house/sandbox.
Steven's new favorite things are swinging for HOURS...and reading for HOURS! Here is Isaac reading and Steven trying to join in.
This was the Dellinger's last official week in Asheville as they are moving to Cary. We will miss you all so much.
*I find it hard to decide whether to call my husband Steven, my husband, or Daddy....when did this happen? When did adults get 3 names from which you have to make decisions on what to be called? Am I grown now? Because I have three names?
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