So after a day of cleaning, I start to work on dinner. My son is doing his normal - grabbing my leg and whining. Eventually I cave and have him on one hip and am preparing with the other hand. Normal I suppose for a mom. Eventually his father comes upstairs and says, "how are things going?" I explain the situation and then put my son down to run along after his daddy. I (silly me) assume that this means he is going to watch or play with his son. After 10 minutes I walk back into our room to check on the boys and tell them dinner is about ready - and what do I find? My husband is putting a lock on our bathroom cabinet (which was long overdue- yes) and my son is playing in the toilet. His father knows this is going on and seems to think it is funny - and is quite happy for the distraction to keep him out of the cabinet while he is working. Meanwhile there is toilet water splashed all over the floor and the toilet itself. My husband is proud that Steven Edward knew what to do with the plunger and the toilet brush....I on the other hand could have done without such knowledge.
Thank you so much honey....for keeping him out of the cabinet where our towels and my extra make up reside and teaching him a new fun habit of playing in the oh so sanitary toilet water. I hope your day at work is wonderful tomorrow while I run from bathroom to bathroom convincing my son the toilet is not a fun bucket of water to play in, while attempting to keep all the doors shut. This may be my new nightmare. As of now - I'm off to mop the bathroom floor and then hopefully catch the middle (I will miss the beginning and fall asleep before the end) of the Giants game.
8 days and counting
I'm sure you heard my gasp already, but my eyes are bugging out of my sockets! I know that surprises you :)
And, you have extra makeup?!
One more thing: child safety door things and toilet locks.
much love, beth
Laughed out loud!!! Too funny!!! And I am with "Beth" you have EXTRA makeup? You know I love you, but . . .
Okay-let's go ahead and clarify this extra make up issue. Some of you may be thinking extra make falls only to those who use it....common misconception. In my case, extra make up falls to those who buy it in High School and then never finish that particular purchase....but fail to throw it away because it's Clinique and that's expensive. Let's also don't underestimate the power of the free sample. And those are actually his favorite-lots of little bottles of things that I have no idea what anyone uses them for.
Issue resolved.
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